AI Engineer - Bosch

Working Student Review

By Patrick Knab

During my tenure as a working student at Bosch, I was entrusted with a range of responsibilities pivotal to AI model development, data mining, and collaborative innovation. My role built on my previous experience and work of Link, Link.

Work Duration

January 2021 - December 2021

Projects and Responsibilities

1. AI Model Development for Process Error Detection

  • Objective: Develop AI models to enhance process error detection capabilities.
  • Tasks:
    • Designed and implemented AI models to identify and rectify errors in processes.
    • Focused on improving accuracy and efficiency in error detection through machine learning.

2. Development of Hardware and Software for Data Mining

  • Objective: Create tools for effective data mining of process data.
  • Tasks:
    • Engineered hardware solutions and software applications for data mining.
    • Aimed at extracting valuable insights from extensive process data.

3. Knowledge Transfer in AI to Internal Staff

  • Objective: Facilitate the dissemination of AI knowledge within the organization.
  • Tasks:
    • Conducted knowledge transfer sessions, particularly in the area of AI.
    • Enhanced the AI understanding and skills of internal team members.

4. Co-Development of a Demonstration AI in Base-Box for High-Profile Presentation

  • Objective: Lead the rapid development of a demonstration AI project for a significant company event.
  • Tasks:
    • Collaboratively engineered a demonstration AI in the Base-Box with team MFT31-W889.
    • Successfully developed under high pressure within 2.5 months for presentation during a visit by G1 (Bosch CEO).

5. Joint Development and Elaboration of Patents

  • Objective: Collaborate in the creation and development of patents.
  • Tasks:
    • Worked in tandem with colleagues to develop and draft patents.
    • Contributed to innovative solutions with potential for intellectual property protection.

Skills and Technologies

  • AI and Machine Learning: Developed proficiency in AI model creation, focusing on process error detection.
  • Data Mining: Gained expertise in hardware and software development for efficient data mining.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: Experienced in high-pressure project development and patent creation.


I want to thank Robert Fuder for his guidance and support during my time here. His trust in giving students the freedom to explore and learn on their own has been crucial to my personal and professional development. This freedom allowed me to grow and learn in a way that was both challenging and rewarding.

Tags: Python AI C RP