Web Development - Bosch

Internship Review

By Patrick Knab

During my internship at Bosch, I was involved in several key projects that focused on server configuration, script development, and web application development. My primary goal was to streamline web hosting processes, enhancing internal operational efficiency.

Internship Duration

July 2019 - August 2019

Projects and Responsibilities

1. Configuration and Setup of MS IIS Web Server

  • Objective: Establish a robust and secure web server environment with separate systems for testing and production.
  • Tasks:
    • Configured and set up Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server.
    • Implemented strategies for effective separation of test and production environments to ensure stable deployment.

2. Development of PowerShell Scripts for Web Server Automation

  • Objective: Automate repetitive tasks in web server management to save time and reduce human error.
  • Tasks:
    • Developed PowerShell scripts to streamline various web server tasks.
    • Created scripts for tasks like setting up new web applications, and transferring projects from the test to production environments.

3. Development of a Web Application in ASP.NET with Angular Frontend

  • Objective: Develop a user-friendly web application to facilitate the invocation of PowerShell scripts.
  • Tasks:
    • Built a web application using ASP.NET with an Angular frontend.
    • Focused on creating an intuitive user interface to easily manage and run PowerShell scripts.

4. Automation of Web Hosting Processes

  • Objective: Significantly reduce manual work in web hosting to speed up internal processes.
  • Tasks:
    • Integrated developed tools and scripts into the web hosting workflow.
    • Focused on automation to enhance the efficiency and reliability of internal processes.

Skills and Technologies

  • Microsoft IIS Web Server: Gained hands-on experience in configuring and managing web servers.
  • PowerShell: Enhanced scripting skills to automate complex web server tasks.
  • ASP.NET and Angular: Developed proficiency in building robust web applications with a focus on user experience.
  • Process Automation: Learned to identify and automate repetitive tasks, improving operational efficiency.


I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Florian Fuchs for his guidance and support throughout my internship. His mentorship was invaluable in my professional development during this period.

Tags: Java Web